No, I am a (local) rock star

Rufus F.

Rufus is a likeable curmudgeon. He has a PhD in History, sang for a decade in a punk band, and recently moved to NYC after nearly two decades in Canada. He wrote the book "The Paris Bureau" from Dio Press (2021).

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10 Responses

  1. Glyph says:

    That was a bracing way to start my morning Rufus!

    I hope that in concert, you introduce every song in yr set the same way.

    “This…is ALSO a song about the apocalypse.”Report

    • Rufus F. in reply to Glyph says:

      Usually by the time we get to this song I’m rolling around on the floor or up on the bar or something. I think our running joke is, “Here’s another soft rock love ballad for you…”Report

  2. Tod Kelly says:

    This is awesome, Rufus, but this does not belong on OTC. To the main page with it!!!!Report

  3. That’s fantastic, Rufus. You guys should come to Ottawa. If you do, I promise to be there.Report

  4. Will H. says:

    You rock.Report

  5. Mike Dwyer says:

    Missed this last week. Holy cow, good stuff. Reminds me of attending ‘secret’ punk shows at an abandoned warehouse back in my 20s. Good memories.Report