Ugly – Big Black – UPDATED


Glyph is worse than some and better than others. He believes that life is just one damned thing after another, that only pop music can save us now, and that mercy is the mark of a great man (but he's just all right). Nothing he writes here should be taken as an indication that he knows anything about anything.

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5 Responses

  1. D Clarity says:

    Atomizer is definitely the good one in that band’s disco. Bazooka Joe is my personal favorite.

    The narrator of Jesus’ Son never even imagined for a heartbeat that there might be a place for people like us, and that song affirmed that there indeed was.

    I think if you’re going to list the most influential people from that time in music – the people that enabled the then-needed underground music ecosystem to form – you’ve got:

    Steve Albini
    Henry Rollins
    Greg Ginn

    Who else?

    The people who put out Forced Exposure? Thurston? Watt?Report

  2. krogerfoot says:

    Good call. I missed out on Big Black, but Steve Albini was recording Austin bands when I was playing. Big Black makes me think of mimeographed zines, Maximum Rock n’ Roll, and the magazine we got in our swag bag the first time my band played in NYC. I can’t remember where we played—some conference—at a punk club, basically frightened the entire time. Driving out, we got to flipping through the magazine, which in addition to a very sympathetic profile of the distinguished chairperson of NAMBLA, featured a photograph of, of . . .

    I give up—there’s no way to describe it on a family blog, even one with an admiring post about Big Black. I had to see the photograph, and it’s just not right that anyone else be unnecessarily subjected to it, even by secondhand description. We tried to dissipate our horror as best we could by speculating about what kind of sweet-talk went into persuading the woman in the photo to do what she was doing onto—into?—the gentleman eagerly crouched beneath her. That’s what Big Black makes me think of.Report

    • Glyph in reply to krogerfoot says:

      Ewwww. That’s right, kids. Long before 4chan, and 2 Girls, 1 cup, and even the venerable goatse, springing absolutely disgusting imagery on people as a prank and molesting the First had to be accomplished via printed paper.

      No such imagery appears anywhere in the linked videos. Just lyrical bile and atonal racket.Report

  3. I was there too! Extremely memorable…Report