Kasparov: The U.S.S.R. Fell—and the World Fell Asleep

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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4 Responses

  1. Kolohe says:

    It seems like Turkey may have just woke the world up.Report

    • Morat20 in reply to Kolohe says:

      My reactions to that are…all over the place.

      It starts with “Didn’t we start a world war over something like that once?” moves onto “Oh god, Trump will inevitably tweet about it” and finally ends up at “Maybe Russian can have an 18 hour hearing trying to pin it on Clinton”.

      In the long run, murdered ambassadors suck but….that’s one of the risks of being one, I suppose. They seemed to have caught the guy that did it, for some value of caught, so there’s that at least.Report

    • Kim in reply to Kolohe says:

      What, it’s invasion of Iraq because of a freaking facebook post wasn’t enough to wake the world up???Report

    • Kim in reply to Kolohe says:

      Nu. What was supposed to happen last month in Turkey, I wonder…Report