Author: David Ryan

All the Single Sailors

When you are singlehander you are – paradoxically – in situation of rather pronounced self-reliance, but also dependent on the kindness of strangers. As you move from place to place your life is shaped by favors you will never be able to repay.

Risks, rewarding and unrewarding, considered.

What I see is my boat, auto helm still engaged, sailing away from me, her twin hulls cutting parallel grooves in the water that close up even as they’re made to glassy slicks that are just as quickly brushed away by the wind.

The impulse to swim after her comes and goes, as does the impulse to cry for help. There’s no hope of catching her, and no one to hear my shout. Why I am here doesn’t matter now because it cannot be undone. I am in the water, I am alone, and no one knows where I am.

And Now For Something Complete Different

And so it was that last fall, after watching Master and Commander for the 26th or 27th time, that I grabbed my Oster clippers and run it up and down my chin, leaving me with a nice set of chops myself. Then I snapped a “selfie” and posted it to twitter with the text “Eat your heart out @jamespoulos”.